Now Featuring - Amani Coffee

Posted by Birch River Coffee Admin on

We are excited to now offer Amani coffees at Birch River!

Amani Coffee

When we read about their story, we were impressed and inspired by the work that they are doing.  Amani believes that coffee is more than a business but also a vehicle that can spread societal change and peace.  The word 'Amani' actually means peace in Swahili.

Through their mission to create change and support those in need, a portion of each sale goes to help the Congo Restoration Effort, a non-profit organization that fights for social and economic justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Working with the Coopade Co-op, a group of 2,100+ farmers (850 of them women), Located in North Kivu, high in the Kyondo Mountains along the National Virunga Park and Lake Edward, Amani Coffee has been able to help improve the standard of living for these farmers and their families.

Congo Farmers

We are excited to work with Amani and to help tell the story of the amazing work they are doing in the world.

In addition to the impact they are making in the DRC, they are also sourcing some of the best organic coffees directly from the farmers co-op and roasting them to perfection.  These are definitely some must-try coffees.  Their light and dark roast coffees are available now!

Amani Dark Roast Coffee  Amani Light Roast Coffee

Check them out!

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